Adding a bug is a simple process consisting of adding two elements pertaining to the bug.
The first is the bug header. The bug header will not change for the lifetime of the bug once submitted.
The second is a bug detail. The bug will consist of one to many bug details throughout its lifetime. Each bug detail represents a change or modification in the state of the bug.
This procedure is performed as follows:
- User Logs in to Bugs Online
- User clicks "Submit Bug" tab
- User selects the "Bug Program" for which they wish to submit a bug
- The system automatically populates the "Bug Area" list with the Bug Areas that pertain to this program, and the "Assigned To" list with the developers authorized to support the program
- User selects the "Bug Area"
- User Enters a short descriptive "Bug Title"
- User selects the developer to assign this bug to, or "Not Assigned"
- User selects a "Bug Status". Open status is for "Not Assigned" bugs. Most frequently the bug will be set to "Assigned Status"
- User selects a "Bug Priority"
- User selects a "Bug Severity"
- User enters a bug description
- User clicks "Add"
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