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The Bugs Online system is capable of an assortment of functionality aimed at improving your oganizations ability to track and respond to system bugs, issues and problems. These features can be summarized as follows:

Simple User Interface:
The Bugs Online user interface is designed to be as simple and easy to use as possible. This allows the system to be deployed not solely within technicaly oriented development environments but also to end-users, supervisors, and managers as well. By including end-users and other staff in the bug and problem identification process these issues will be able to be addressed and resolved much more quickly and efficiently.

Improved Accountability:
Use of Bugs Online will also improve accountability for system related bugs and problems. This is made possible via the assignment of bugs to program specific developers. This will allow development managers to view the status of all bugs and who in their department is responsible for their solution.

Extensive Search Capabilities:
In addition to the standard searches, Bugs Online provides the capability of creating an unlimited number of customized bug searches. These searches are created within a simple web-based interface and are capable of specifying a variety of criteria.

Organized Bug Records
Each bug within Bugs Online consist of a header (read-only once created), and any number of details. Each time a bug is creatd, updated or modified an additional detail is created describing the action that was performed and who it is performed by.

Extensive Graphical Reporting Capabilities
Bugs Online provides the capability for creating dynamic and informative reports. Reports are displayed within a simple to read graphical format and can be generated based on a variety of parameters. Additionally, all users of Bugs Online are provided with the capability of creating pre-built user-specific reports. Reports are color coded to reflect bug resolution productivity.

Top Bugs Category
Bugs Online provides users with ability to view the top three bug program/program area categories and the number of bugs assigned to them.

Simple Web-Based Administration Tool
All of the administrative functions pertaining to the Bugs Online system are performed within one administrative screen. This section of the system allows administrators access to modify users, projects, programs, and program areas, as well as to create graphical customized reports.

Open Source
Bugs Online is released as an open source system. As such your organization has the ability to modify or customize the source code as needed.