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Adding a Bug
Modifying a Bug
Bug Life Cycle
Bug Search
Bug Reports


Modifying a bug is a simple process consisting of adding an additional bug detail to the bug.

The bug will consist of one to many bug details throughout its lifetime. Each bug detail represents a change or modification in the state of the bug.

This procedure is performed as follows:

  1. User Logs in to Bugs Online
  2. User selects bug to be modified
  3. User selects the developer to assign this bug to, or "Not Assigned"
  4. User selects a "Bug Status". Open status is for "Not Assigned" bugs. Most frequently the bug will be set to Assigned, Completed, or Closed status.
  5. User selects a "Bug Priority"
  6. User selects a "Bug Severity"
  7. User enters a detail description
  8. User clicks "Add"

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