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Adding a Bug
Modifying a Bug
Bug Life Cycle
Bug Search
Bug Reports


The typical lifecycle of a bug is as follows:

  1. Bug is identified in system and created in Bugs Online
  2. Bug is assigned to a developer
  3. Developer resolves bug or clarifies with user
  4. Developer sets bug to "Completed" status and assigns back to original user
  5. Original user verifies that bug has been resolved and if so sets bug to "Closed" status. Only the original user who created the bug has access to "Close" the bug. Once the bug is closed it may never be re-opened or have future activity.
  6. If the bug was not resolved to the user's satisfaction they may assign it back to the developer with a description (by adding a new detail). If this occurs then the bug returns to step 2 above.

It is important to note that throughout the lifecycle of a bug, it should be assigned to someone. The system will allow for a bug to not be assigned but the usage of this feature should be minimal.

By insuring that a bug is always assigned to a user or a developer, system administrators will maintain a high level of accountability for all bugs submitted to the system.